Water softener and protection against salts and rust for presses, boilerplates
You fill the special flush of the machine with ORBIS and set the flusher to “economical”. for normal water (7-13 degrees), to “medium” for normal water (7-13 degrees), to “medium” for normal water (7-13 degrees), to “medium” for normal water (7-13 degrees), to “medium” for normal water (7-13 degrees), to “medium” for normal water (7-13 degrees). for hard water (14-20 degrees) and “strong” for hard water (14-20 degrees) and “strong” for hard water (14-20 degrees). for further (20-30).In case of general use add 10-20 grams of material to every 100 kg of water or 100 grams to the tuna.
If your serpentine, before starting with ORBIS maintenance, is full of puree, it is advisable to clean the passages with ORBISCAL first.